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Knowing the Unknown


Updated: Jul 22, 2024

Hello Beloveds,

Returning home after two powerful ISTA trainings in Europe and North America, I am carrying with me these potent words: Knowing the Unknown.

It’s becoming increasingly evident to me that while we are all on a path of self-discovery—navigating between our comfort zone, the familiar, what we know and feel safe in, and the growth zone, our curiosity through our desires, the discovery of the unknown—

There is actually a notion of remembering. It’s as if the exploration of the unknown is an act of undoing, releasing limiting beliefs, unveiling, and reawakening forgotten knowledge.

The ultimate reason for exploration, seeking new lands, stepping into uncharted territory, confronting challenges, fears, and the unknown is the desire for ultimate freedom through liberation.

The more I do this work, the more I recognize that people already have within them the full understanding of freedom. It appears in our lives through the simple, yet sacred, freedom of choice.

I believe that our being, in its wholesomeness, is sensitive, awakened to life, knowing, and intuitive.

I think this is what we ultimately came here to learn and to remember.

Yet, most of the time, we are afraid to exercise this birthright or afraid to admit we have a choice… The inner monologue often says: “I can’t,” “I don’t know,” “I don’t know how to,” “It’s impossible,” “not under these circumstances,” and many other similar versions of limitations.

So, it’s impossible to ignore this voice. Nor should we—it wants to be heard, and it is valid. It wants compassion. For me, it represents the “lost paradise.”

One of the most important steps with this loss is to acknowledge it, to grieve it, to accept it, and to integrate it. I believe we cannot move on (or move back to remember and reclaim our inner power) as long as we are not grieving the loss of paradise, the loss of freedom of choice that is in the collective consciousness of our society.

The unknown is already within us, though it requires presence and love to be met powerfully.

The roadmap is laid out intellectually, but to read the signals, we need to surrender, let go of some control, so our intuition can surface and allow us to powerfully surf the waves of life.

In Love, Devotion, and Gratitude.





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